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How to deal with insufficient water output of garden humidification pump

Under normal use, if the garden humidification pump encounters insufficient old water flow, on the one hand, the water source is limited and there is not enough water supply. If this factor is excluded, how to solve other problems?

In addition to the water source, the insufficient water flow of the garden driving pump may be caused by the high installation position, which leads to the insufficient submergence depth of the impeller, and the water output of the pump naturally decreases.

The reverse rotation of the garden humidification pump will also lead to insufficient water volume, or even failure to discharge water normally. In this regard, the motor shall be idled before operation, and the operation shall be continued after the rotation is checked. It is a problem that needs to be eliminated at the beginning.

Check the status of the lower water outlet valve and maintain the valve. The unblocked status of the water outlet pipeline will also lead to the problem of limited water output. Carry out inspection in turn to find out the cause and then solve the problem.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

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Tel: 0539-8535670


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