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What causes the seal of garden humidification pump to be damaged

In fact, the damage of the seal is reasonable. After a long time, natural damage will appear, which has its service life. In addition, the damage of human factors will speed up the damage of the seal of the garden humidification pump.

The friction, collision and extrusion caused by the opening and closing of the seal during the operation of the garden humidification pump can not be avoided in the work. Even if the maintenance is done well, it will happen, but the maintenance is the problem of length. Under the action of high temperature and high pressure, the atoms produced by the society permeate and exude each other, the adhesion phenomenon, the wear and flushing caused by media activities will affect the seal, and various reasons determine the damage of the seal.

When using the equipment, we all hope everything goes well. If the seal of the garden humidification pump is damaged and replaced in time, it will not affect the normal use and play the role of energy saving and consumption reduction.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

Phone: 18300100005

Tel: 0539-8535670


Add: Guangdong guangzhou tianhe balance sand too road sand road

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