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Power saving tips for garden humidification pump

The garden humidification pump basically works intermittently every day in summer, and its operation depends on electricity. How to save electricity and expenses when using it?

Power saving starts with the garden humidification pump itself. The selection of high-efficiency and energy-saving water pumps and high-efficiency and low consumption motors not only improves the efficiency, but also prevents the occurrence of "big horse pulling small car" when it comes to selecting the correct power of the water pump engine, and also avoids the waste of resources.

The lift is also a parameter when selecting the garden humidification pump. If a reasonable lift is selected, there will be too much surplus in the lift during the work of the garden humidification pump, and electric energy will be wasted. Therefore, check the lift and there are marks on the pump.

The work of the garden humidification pump should reduce the pipe resistance, eliminate the redundant pipe fittings and unnecessary turns on the pipe, which will increase the resistance, and reduce these to a certain extent can also achieve power saving.



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