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How to operate the spray water pump in case of overhaul

The volume of the water pump of the spray is very small. In most cases, the volume of the whole spray is not too large. It can be used directly on its back. After long-term use, it will also face failures. The normal minor repair is better. How to operate in case of major repair?

In case of overhaul of spray water pump, it indicates that the damaged parts or degree are serious. Some parts are too expensive to be repaired, while others are OK. Overhaul according to the problems found, prepare accessories and materials, make a good plan, close the inlet and outlet valves before overhaul, flush the pump, observe the parts whose surface is damaged and need maintenance, and wait for confirmation, Repair the pump and replace the parts that need to be replaced. After the maintenance is completed, the test run shall be carried out to see whether the accessories are compatible and whether the work can be completed smoothly. After the acceptance is successful, the whole overhaul process will be completed.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

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Tel: 0539-8535670


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