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Methods of prolonging the service life of garden humidification pump

Garden humidification pump can be said to be mixed with soil and water every day. If it is not maintained, its quality will be affected and its service life will be greatly reduced. What effective methods can be used to extend the service life of the humidification pump?

To extend the service life of an equipment, routine maintenance is indispensable. Because of the use environment of garden humidification pump, wipe the surface after use. If possible, cover the surface with a layer of protective film to avoid rust caused by too much water splashing on it.

The use of garden humidification pump will also add some pharmaceutical items, which can be watered to plants when spraying water. At this time, the equipment needs to be cleaned after use to remove the residue on it and avoid chemical reaction.

The engine can be said to be an important part of the garden humidification pump, its maintenance is essential, often clean the engine fuel system, to clean the dust on the point, also can avoid the late unable to adjust.



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