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What factors cause the seal of the water pump to be damaged

The seal damage in the water pump is actually a common phenomenon. The seal will be damaged after a long time of use. This is what we call natural damage. Of course, there is another kind of artificial damage, mostly caused by improper use. Next, I will show you what factors affect the use of the seal.

If the water pump seal is damaged, it will affect its use. If there is no good sealing effect and the water pressure is not reached, the water can not be pumped normally. There will be friction during the opening and closing of the water pump, which will also cause its damage. The sealing surfaces are in contact with each other, and the contact between the sealing surface and the sealing body and the valve body, as well as the concentration difference and oxygen concentration difference between the sealing surface and the valve body, will generate potential difference, which will lead to chemical erosion and natural damage.

Another problem is the quality of the seal itself. There are cracks, pores and other defects on the seal during processing. Such products cannot be used. If they are improperly selected, they will be replaced in a short time.



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