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What are the use scope of reflux pump

The use place of reflux pump is based on its classification, of course, it is also named because of its place of use. Next, let's see what kinds of reflux pumps are and where they are suitable for use.

Reflux pump

The hydrogen reflux pump is one of them. Its main function is to pump the micro reaction hydrogen from the hydrogen outlet of the reactor back to the hydrogen inlet of the reactor directly on the hydrogen loop. If there is hydrogen leakage, it can also timely forecast and alarm.

The sludge return pump is mainly used in sewage treatment plant or ground drainage. This equipment is easy to install and can be used in any shape of pool. It covers a small area, is easy to maintain, has low power of matching motor and no noise. It is a very popular equipment.

Another is the submersible reflux pump, which is suitable for conveying liquid containing hard solid, fiber and particularly dirty, sticky and slippery liquid, which can discharge sewage. These devices are several reflux pumps commonly used on the market at present, which are convenient to use and suitable in price.



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