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How much do you know about the working principle of water pump in car wash

The use of water pump of car washer is mainly in the car washing industry. It is required that there is enough pressure to bring better cleaning effect. The working principle of water pump does not need to be understood thoroughly. As a user, a simple understanding is enough. If it is necessary for professionals to have a specific understanding, it can be better applied.

The water pump of car washing machine transmits the mechanical energy or other external energy of prime mover to the liquid to increase the liquid energy. Its work is very simple. When it is used, a button can solve the problem. The key point is that each structure interacts with each other to realize the transmission of water.

The technical parameters of water pump performance of car washer include flow, suction head, head, shaft power, water power, efficiency, etc. according to the actual use, some of the parameters can also be set and adjusted, rather than unchanged. Understanding the new working principle can help us to better apply.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

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Tel: 0539-8535670


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