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What advantages does reflux pump play in sewage treatment

Editor: Centrino reflux pump               time: 2020 / 12 / 23
Due to its characteristics of variable transportation, strong self-priming ability, reversibility, and ability to transport liquid containing solid particles, reflux pump is widely used in conveying water, wet sludge and flocculant solution in sewage treatment plants. Now we will introduce some aspects of our application experience.
Reflux pump
1、 Speed selection
There is a linear relationship between the flow rate and the speed of the reflux pump. Compared with the low speed, the high speed can increase the flow and head, but the power is obviously increased. The high speed accelerates the wear between the rotor and the stator, which will make the pump fail prematurely. Moreover, the length of the stator and rotor of the high-speed pump is very short, which is easy to wear, so its service life is shortened.
Through the decelerating mechanism or stepless speed regulating mechanism, the speed can be kept in a reasonable range below 300 rpm. Compared with the high-speed screw pump, the service life can be prolonged several times.
2、 Quality of screw pump
There are many types of screw pumps on the market now. Relatively speaking, the imported screw pumps are reasonable in design and good in materials, but the prices are high, some of the service aspects are not in place, the price of accessories is high, and the ordering cycle is long, which may affect the normal operation of production.
Most of the domestic products are imitated from imported products, and the quality of the products is mixed. When selecting the domestic products and considering the cost performance, the products with low speed, long lead, transmission capacity, good material and long rated life should be selected.
3、 Make sure that foreign matters do not enter the pump body
The solid debris mixed in the wet sludge will damage the rubber stator of screw pump, so it is very important to ensure that the debris does not enter the pump cavity. Many sewage treatment plants have installed pulverizers in front of the pump, and some have installed grid devices or filter screens to prevent the impurities from entering the screw pump. The grille should be removed in time to avoid blockage.
4、 Avoid material breakage
Screw pump is not allowed to operate in the case of material breakage. Once the material is broken, the rubber stator will be burned out due to dry friction. Therefore, the pulverizer is in good condition and the grid is unblocked. Therefore, some screw pumps are equipped with the material breaking stop device on the pump body. When the material is broken, the screw pump has the self-priming function, Vacuum will be generated in the cavity, and the vacuum device will stop the screw pump.
5、 Maintain a constant outlet pressure

Screw pump is a positive displacement rotary pump, when the outlet end is blocked, the pressure will gradually increase, so as to exceed the predetermined pressure value. At this time, the motor load increases sharply. 

Reflux pump

The load of transmission machinery related parts will also exceed the design value, and in serious cases, the motor will be burned out and the transmission parts will be broken. In order to avoid damage to the screw pump, a bypass relief valve is usually installed at the screw pump outlet to stabilize the outlet pressure and maintain the normal operation of the pump.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

Phone: 18300100005

Tel: 0539-8535670


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