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What kind of garden humidification pump to choose

The use of garden humidification pump is mainly in landscaping, although it does not need daily sprinkling irrigation, it still needs to be regularly watered, so as to ensure the vigorous growth of vegetation. In the park and other occasions, the use of garden humidification pump is more to achieve irrigation.

Garden humidification pump

The selection of garden humidification pump is usually atomization type, with a wide range of sprinkler irrigation, and there will be no large water flow washing the ground, which will affect the use. It is more appropriate to choose such a spray irrigation method, especially when there is grass on the surface, If it is a large water flow directly down, it will affect the growth of grass, will also cause a small pit on the ground, affect the beauty, and although the one-time water volume of atomization is small, it can also achieve the same effect after a long time.

Therefore, the choice of garden humidification pump is mainly practical, which can not only save energy, but also achieve good sprinkler irrigation effect, and help trees grow healthily.



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